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Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


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Venminder is used by organizations of all sizes in all industries to mitigate vendor risk and streamline processes

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State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.


5 Third Party Risk Resolutions for 2019

2 min read
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 If you’re like us, then you’ve probably set some resolutions for yourself in the new year.

Often times we hear resolutions like “I’m going to go to the gym more” or “I’ll be better about budgeting” but what about resolutions related to our every day work as third party risk professionals?

5 Third Party Risk Resolutions

Here are five 2019 third party risk resolutions that we’d like to share with you:

  1. Cybersecurity is definitely a hot button topic right now. This year, we will make it a goal to continue to verify our organization’s security testing, employee security training, confidentiality agreements and incident detection and response plans are all up to par.

  1. Another area of focus that is becoming increasingly prevalent is fourth parties. It’s our goal to ensure that we are as organized as possible regarding fourth party oversight. 

Quick tip: A good start is to develop a matrix that includes the following:

  • Who your third party is
  • Who your fourth party is
  • A description of the relationship between your third and fourth party
  • A list of fourth parties who have a relationship with more than one of your third parties

3. Our third resolution takes into account internal and external communication. In 2019, it’s a priority of ours to make sure the lines of communication remain open department-to-department internally, and externally with customers and vendors.

4. We’ll continue to perform thorough due diligence. Performing due diligence should never be a check-the-box mentality. Due to this we’ll continue to utilize the best subject matter experts to analyze documentation and provide extensive reviews.

5. We’ll engage in third party risk opportunities and learn as much as possible. This means staying atop new regulations, attending industry conferences and educational webinars.

Cheers to a successful new year!

 Use these popular vendor management resources to be more effective in 2019. Download this eBook.


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