Using Vendor Risk Management Processes to Comply With NERC CIP-013-1
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The North American Electric Reliability Corporation’s (NERC) established standard, CIP-013-1 Cyber Security - Supply Chain Risk Management, highlights the critical role of supply chain risk management in ensuring the security of the Bulk Electric System (BES) against cyberattacks. It requires Responsible Entities to develop and implement thorough vendor risk management plans and procedures to mitigate cybersecurity risks associated with the supply chain.
Complying with the CIP-013-1 Cyber Security - Supply Chain Risk Management regulation requires effective vendor risk management in the energy industry. This includes identifying, assessing, managing, and monitoring vendor risks.
Download the eBook to learn:
- CIP-013-1 vendor risk management requirements
- NERC's vendor risk management lifecycle
- Core processes for NERC compliance