Live Webinar
Vendor Management Best Practices and Trends for 2018
Tuesday, December 5, 2017 | 2pm ET
Third party risk management has been a high priority for the financial industry this year – and rightly so. To date in 2017, there have been over 21 cases specifically related to third parties enforced through cited UDAAP violations with some jaw dropping fines. Along with that, this year has seen several updated pieces of regulatory guidance on third party risk management.
While meeting the regulatory guidelines is a compelling reason for a well-run third party risk management program, having one in place is now just a sound financial institution practice. Managing your vendors well can help you avoid real risks to your reputation. Losing your customers trust today can have a very long-term impact on your institution.
Register now to learn:
- What we’ve learned in 2017 and what the regulators will expect in 2018
- Legal perspective on the industry’s biggest sledgehammer - UDAAP
- The key components of a successful third party risk management program
- Best practices to take into 2018

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Program Level: Basic
Duration: 1 Hour
Prerequisites: None
Who Should Attend: CEOs, CFOs, Compliance, Risk, BOD, Vendor Management, CPAs
Advanced Preparation: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
Refunds: This is a free event.
Cancellations: In the event that this session would need to be cancelled, you will be personally contacted and registered for the rescheduled event.
Concerns: For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints, please contact our offices at +1 (888) 836-6463.
Field of Study: Specialized KnowledgeProgram Level: Basic
Duration: 1 Hour
Prerequisites: None
Who Should Attend: CEOs, CFOs, Compliance, Risk, BOD, Vendor Management, CPAs
Advanced Preparation: None
Delivery Method: Group Internet Based
CPE Eligibility: Because this is an on-demand event, unfortunately, it is not eligible for CPE credits. All live events are eligible for 1 CPE credit per hour.
Refunds: This is a free event.
Cancellations: In the event that this session would need to be cancelled, you will be personally contacted and registered for the rescheduled event.
Concerns: For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints, please contact our offices at +1 (888) 836-6463.
CPE Credit Eligibility
This session is eligible for 1 CPE Credit – you must be in attendance for the entire LIVE session, answer all three polling questions during the event, and complete the post-event survey. CPE Credit will be offered within 7-10 business days following survey submission.
Venminder is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor on continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have the final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE Credit. Compliance regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: