
Gain a 360-degree view of third-party risk by using our SaaS software to centralize, track, automate, assess and report on your vendors. 

Managed Services

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts to reduce the workload and mature your program. 

Document Collection
Policy/Program Template/Consulting
Virtual Vendor Management Office
Vendor Site Audit

Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


Use Cases

Learn more on how customers are using Venminder to transform their third-party risk management programs. 


Venminder is used by organizations of all sizes in all industries to mitigate vendor risk and streamline processes

Why Venminder

We focus on the needs of our customers by working closely and creating a collaborative partnership

Sample Vendor Risk Assessments

Venminder experts complete 30,000 vendor risk assessments annually. Download samples to see how outsourcing to Venminder can reduce your workload.



Trends, best practices and insights to keep you current in your knowledge of third-party risk.


Earn CPE credit and stay current on the latest best practices and trends in third-party risk management.  

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On-Demand Webinars



Join a free community dedicated to third-party risk professionals where you can network with your peers. 

Weekly Newsletter

Receive the popular Third Party Thursday newsletter into your inbox every Thursday with the latest and greatest updates.



Venminder Samples

Download samples of Venminder's vendor risk assessments and see how we can help reduce the workload. 

State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.



Real Estate

Venminder is trusted by 1,200+ organizations to help
manage, assess, and mitigate vendor risks.

Manage and monitor third parties through the entire relationship lifecycle.


Real estate firms take due diligence, risk assessments, and contracts for vendors, properties, and assets very seriously. It’s important to have a high degree of oversight throughout the entire relationship lifecycle to help manage market, asset, and financial risks.

We know that tracking and monitoring each component throughout the process can be extremely challenging. That’s where Venminder can help.  

2 weeks

a real estate listing site was down after a third-party cyberattack

$4.45 million

global average cost of a data breach


of organizations have a third party that's been breached in the last year

Venminder makes identifying and managing risks simple and manageable. Monitor third parties’ compliance risks, implement thorough screening processes with risk assessments, and be prepared for new and emerging risks with monitoring software.

The centralized platform makes it easy to manage contract agreements and track deadlines.  

Identify Risks and Reduce the Workload for Better Time Management

Instead of spending valuable time trying to understand and analyze vendor documents, Venminder can do it for you. Through Vendiligence™, our qualified subject matter experts will review the documents, evaluate controls, and provide recommendations. 

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Offers Customizable Risk Assessment Templates

Gain consistency with Venminder's risk assessment templates in various risk domains. Monitor progress of each assessment and place weights on user responses. Qualified experts can review vendors' controls and offer recommendations. 

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Automates Critical Processes to Reduce Workload

Venminder's automations allow you to set the type and frequency of vendor oversight and automate task assignments to various stakeholders. This frees up time for stakeholders to focus on important vendor tasks and issues.

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Read a Case Study



See how organizations manage vendors with Venminder

Other organizations across industries use Venminder to manage vendors and enhance vendor risk management programs. Hear first hand how Venminder has benefitted organizations with these case studies. 

Learn More

Order Vendor Risk Assessments Online

Completed assessments can be searched, previewed, and ordered directly from the Venminder Exchange






Educational Resources

Ready to Get Started?

Schedule a personalized solution demonstration to see how Venminder can improve your processes.

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