Samples of Venminder's Work Products

Venmonitor™ Report
See how you can use Venmonitor™ as a single pane of glass to view essential risk domain intelligence and streamline your vendor due diligence and monitoring.

Information Security and Privacy Assessment
This information security and privacy assessment that covers key cybersecurity and information security risks that can help identify areas of possible weaknesses.

Data Protection Assessment
This assessment identifies how information is being secured to see risks present by engaging in business with the vendor.

Point-in-Time Cybersecurity Assessment
Download our sample Point-in-Time Cybersecurity Analysis and feel free to use it as a guide for doing your own assessments or contact us if outsourcing this type of work is right for you.

Vendor BC/DR Assessment
Download our sample vendor Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Assessment and feel free to use it as a guide for doing your own or contact us if outsourcing this type of work is right for you.

Vendor SOC Assessment
Download a sample SOC analysis summary document that allows you to focus on the important components, including the set of controls that you control directly.

Financial Health Assessment
As part of vendor risk management, you need to know your third party's financial condition. Download a free analysis on your core vendor now.

CAIQ Assessment
Understand the quality of your cloud vendor's control environment. Our CAIQ Assessment will show you if there's sufficient confidentiality, availability and integrity in key areas.

SIG Lite Assessment
We will risk-rate SIG Lite questionnaire responses in 18 categories to provide insight into your vendor's standardized questionnaires.

Contract Compliance Assessment
Our comprehensive summary report detail each provision and notate those that are covered, and just as importantly, those that are missing and need to be addressed in the next revision.

Initial Vendor Vetting Package of a Third Party
In every new relationship should be doing the necessary research to know your vendor and meet regulatory requirements. This assessment shows you how to do the research.
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