
Gain a 360-degree view of third-party risk by using our SaaS software to centralize, track, automate, assess and report on your vendors. 

Managed Services

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts to reduce the workload and mature your program. 

Document Collection
Policy/Program Template/Consulting
Virtual Vendor Management Office
Vendor Site Audit

Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


Use Cases

Learn more on how customers are using Venminder to transform their third-party risk management programs. 


Venminder is used by organizations of all sizes in all industries to mitigate vendor risk and streamline processes

Why Venminder

We focus on the needs of our customers by working closely and creating a collaborative partnership

Sample Vendor Risk Assessments

Venminder experts complete 30,000 vendor risk assessments annually. Download samples to see how outsourcing to Venminder can reduce your workload.



Trends, best practices and insights to keep you current in your knowledge of third-party risk.


Earn CPE credit and stay current on the latest best practices and trends in third-party risk management.  

See Upcoming Webinars

On-Demand Webinars



Join a free community dedicated to third-party risk professionals where you can network with your peers. 

Weekly Newsletter

Receive the popular Third Party Thursday newsletter into your inbox every Thursday with the latest and greatest updates.



Venminder Samples

Download samples of Venminder's vendor risk assessments and see how we can help reduce the workload. 

State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.


Reporting & Dashboards

Visualize, evaluate, and address the third-party risks impacting your organization.





Gain real-time insights with dashboards and reports  

Easily analyze your critical data and simplify strategic decision-making with dashboards. Create no-code custom reports or use dashboard templates to get a high-level overview of your vendors.


Simplify team collaboration

Share dashboards across teams to prompt and alight risk management actions. Teams in your organization can view and collaborate to evaluate risk from their departmental perspective, allowing them to gain a deeper understanding of how risks impact their specific areas.


View data your way

Build the reporting tools your organization needs with customizable no-code dashboards. Add visualizations such as bar charts, line graphs, and tabular views to further illustrate your data and stay up-to-date on status and results.

Drill-down capabilities enable risk managers to swiftly locate detailed information in areas of concern.



Pre-configured reports give clear visibility into your vendors in seconds


Pre-Configured Dashboards

Pre-build dashboards provide a solid foundation for tracking and analyzing vendor risks and can be used as is or customized to suit your needs.

Our pre-configured dashboards monitor essential vendor and service risk data, such as:

  • Vendors Criticality    
  • Vendor Assessment Status
  • Risk Assessments (Residual Risk  and Inherent Risk)
  • Vendor Lifecycle Status (Onboarding, Ongoing and Offboarding)
  • 3rd vs 4th Party Vendors    
  • NPI Access        
  • Issues    
  • Contracts Review Status
  • Questionnaires Status
  • Risk by Geographic Location

Visualization Templates

We offer a range of pre-built visualization templates designed to meet the most requested data needs of our customers.

These templates include visualizations to highlight critical vendors, inherent and residual risk, risk assessments in progress, and questionnaires. 

Make it your own

Make It Your Own

You can customize your dashboards with your own visualizations, add custom formulas, or optimize our pre-built templates or shared dashboards. We provide extensive documentation, tutorial videos, and follow-along recipes to help you accomplish these tasks with ease.

Quest Library


Downloadable reports in both data (Excel) or visual (PDF)

There are different types of reports to show the data in the best way for you. These are reports related to contracts, critical vendors, inventories, issues, tasks, risk, SLAs and more. 

Receive scheduled reports by email

Schedule reports to receive on a consistent basis based on your preferences so you don't have to manually grab from the system. Customize recipients, frequency, message and what type of report notifications to receive. 

Quest Library


Quest Library


Track status, trends, exceptions and more

You can track the status, trends, exceptions and beyond through the reports for full visibility. You can also mark these reports as your "favorite" for easy accessibility. 

Unlock the power of visualization

Stunning, Easy-to-Understand Graphics

Our dashboard tool features over 30 chart types, including bar charts, line graphs, pie charts, and tabular views, making it easy to illustrate, understand, and take action on critical data.

Engage with data on a deeper level

Drill down into the data or apply filters to gain deeper insights, understand the risks your organization may face, and take informed action.

Tailored Visualizations

Tailor these visualizations to fit the unique requirement of your risk management strategy, ensuring that every chart serves a precise purpose.

Maximize your team's time with templates

We provide pre-built visualization templates to meet customer data needs, highlighting critical vendors, inherent and residual risk, risk assessments in progress, and questionnaires.

Export your data

With dashboards, you can easily export them as PDFs or images for simpler collaboration.

The most updated data all the time

Venminder Dashboards integrate effortlessly with the Venminder platform, ensuring your risk assessments and monitoring are always up-to-date. With real-time data synchronization, you can maintain continuous oversight and respond swiftly to emerging threats. This seamless connectivity ensures a unified approach to managing third-party risks, aligning all data interactions smoothly within your operational ecosystem.


Engage with data on a deeper level

Understand the data on a deeper level with interactive elements that allow you to drill down into specifics, adjust your views, and interact directly with the data points. This functionality is vital for uncovering hidden insights and understanding the intricacies of your vendor risk landscape.


Discover why Venminder
is top-rated by customers


It’s not just about our platform.
It’s about our people.

checkSpecialize in third-party risk management and are passionate about it's importance
checkHold a wide range of certifications and qualifications including CISSP, CTPRP, Paralegal, CPA, CRISC, GCIH, ABCP, CCNA, and more
checkStay current on industry trends and latest news
checkOn hand to provide advice to our customers and community
checkDrive our educational content and advocate for best practice third-party risk management

You won't just hear it from us

gartnerImg gartnerPeerImg G2Img capterraImg
(4.6 out of 5 | 163 Gartner Peer Insights Reviews)
As of January 3, 2024

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Ready to make Venminder your home for managing vendors and their risk?

Schedule a live demo with Venminder to learn more.
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