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Policy/Program Template/Consulting
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Vendor Site Audit

Ongoing Monitoring

Let us handle the manual labor of third-party risk management by collaborating with our experts.

Venminder Exchange

As Venminder completes assessments for clients on new vendors, they are then made available inside the Venminder Exchange for you to preview scores and purchase as you need.


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Venminder Samples

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State of Third-Party Risk Management 2023!

Venminder's seventh annual whitepaper provides insight from a variety of surveyed individuals into how organizations manage third-party risk today.


Third-Party Risk Management Policy Template: Based on regulatory guidance
Third-Party Risk Management Policy Template: Based on the TPRM lifecycle

Download Free Templates

What is a third-party risk management policy?

The policy is the first document that should be created and will identify the roles, responsibilities, regulations, and overall purpose of a  program. It also provides a broad outline on the areas of due diligence, risk assessments, contract management, and establishes how the board and senior management will stay informed of vendor management activities. 

What are the differences between the two templates

Each template has been catered to different organizational needs and profiles. To ensure you select the most suitable template for your organization, carefully read the following descriptions: 

The Third-Party Risk Management Policy template aims to assist organizations operating in regulated industries develop a comprehensive policy for managing risks associated with third-party/vendor relationships. Users who wish to align their policy content to reflect regulatory guidance should choose this template version. 

*Note: Although the template has been designed to reflect regulatory guidance, there’s no regulatory requirement that your organization follow any specific policy format. 

The Third-Party Risk Management Lifecycle-Based Policy template aims to assist non-regulated organizations create a comprehensive policy for managing third-party/vendor risks, which aligns with industry best practices and the third-party risk management lifecycle. It can also be used by regulated organizations that lack specific regulatory guidance on third-party risk management or any organization that believes a policy aligned with the third-party risk management lifecycle is a more effective approach. 

What regulatory guidance does the Third-Party Risk Management Policy template follow?

Much of the content and design of this template closely resembles actual regulatory guidance, specifically the Interagency Guidance on Third-Party Relationships: Risk Management. We have chosen to use this guidance as it has been developed by three financial regulators, the OCC, FDIC, and the Fed. The practices described in the guidance are widely regarded as the "gold standard" for third-party risk management. It’s worth noting that financial regulatory guidance has long influenced what becomes best practices for third-party risk management.

Are these templates really free?

Yes! We know these templates are valuable (and that many organizations put a price on accessing templates) but, as passionate advocates for better third-party risk management practices, we have decided that there is no better way to assist than by giving third-party risk professionals a helping hand with these customizable templates. You still have a lot of work to do to customize and align to your organization, but we are hoping this gets you there faster!

Are these policies customizable to match what my organization does?

Absolutely, and we urge you to do so! The templates are formatted in a Microsoft Word document so it’s easy to change any aspect. Instructions point out what specially to edit and the guides give best practices and tips.

Who created these templates?

These free policy templates were carefully crafted by Venminder’s highly skilled third-party risk professionals who have not only done the job in their own careers, but today advise Venminder's 1,200+ customers, many of whom are subject to the strictest regulatory guidance.